Hey everyone,

Today was one of those days that you might as well have not even checked the weather forecast because it was not accurate in anyway but that is where some flexibility comes into play. We spent our morning trip off Bliss Island with 3 fin whales and we got some great looks. Our 2pm departure started out in the same way….we has atleast 5 fin whales in the area and we got some incredible looks and the wind was diminishing so John decided to run us offshore in search of humpback whales. We made out way out past South Wolf and towards the Bank and as soon as we slowed down to give the area a good look John picked up a low and bushy blow of a humpback whale. We made our way over and got some great looks at Chevron, a young whale we saw for the first time last season.

We made our way back towards South Wolf because we saw some blows there and we found 4 fin whales and John mentioned it was time to start heading back and just as we turned the boat we saw a full breach about 1/2 mile away and then a light and low blow….another humpback. We made our way closer and the humpback whale, later IDed as EKG, starting slapping his pectoral flipper on the surface of the water. Below are some pictures from today with EKG.

Thanks for checking in today, tomorrow is our trip out into the open Bay to search for right whales. There is some weather we are keeping a close eye on and I will be sure to give you an update tomorrow evening. I wanted to share this photo with you, 2 beautiful female grey seals….and they were VERY vocal, also note the large male directly behind them.


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊