Hello everyone, what a gorgeous day on the water. Today was unusually warm out on the Bay because of the wind coming off of the land and we had some fantastic sightings of fin whales (had NOTHING to do with the warm weather….the whales do not care about the sun or the light NW wind…but made it more comfortable for our passengers).

We spent time with fin whales on all 3 departures today, and at one point we had at least 7 fin whales within a mile radius including the mom and calf pair.

I wanted to share this sequence of a large fin whale diving close to the boat, it was take on our 2pm departure.

One of the fin whales we saw today has one of the strongest blows (exhales) I have ever seen, he may be starting to exhale before he completely breaks the surface….I wanted to share this picture.

Thanks so much for checking in today, we did send out Scout Boat way around the offshore area to search for humpbacks today but no luck, we will keep looking and I will keep you posted.


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊