Hello everyone, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine back from another great fall day! It’s hard to believe that our whale watching season is scheduled to end in 1 week and I have a new humpback whale to report….and we saw 4 individual humpbacks on our 2pm departure. Our afternoon trip took us our towards to Wolves Bank where Matt, on our Scout Boat was reporting 2, maybe 3 humpback whales as well a few finback whales. On our way out we were stopped, unexpectedly, by a humpback whale. It turn out to be the unknown we had on September 21st on our 2pm trip, pictured below. This whale has yet to be matched to an individual in the catalogue, I will let you know if that changes.

With a few good looks at this young humpback we made our way out towards our Scout Boat. As we arrived we found EKG and a new humpback whale! As we got a better look at this new humpback we very quickly saw some serious injury marks, I have included a photo below in which you can see the scarring on the tail stock. This young humpback has been IDed as humpback that was disentangled in December of 2007 off Grand Manan! This humpback has not been matched to a previous entry in the catalogue as of yet but with these new images the researchers at PCCS are hoping to make a positive match. This was the first sighting of him since his successful release. I have included a news clip that was posted on You Tube by IFAW.

Thanks for checking in today, I have included a photo below of Cork (the 4th humpback we saw today) and our Scout Boat. I don’t want to forget to mention that we also had some amazing finback whale sightings on both our morning charter and afternoon departure!

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊