Hello There, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link back from a great day on the water and a party for Bebe, our Wharfinger for the the public wharf here in St. Andrews (Congratulations Bebe for your 10 years at the Wharf from your Quoddy Link friends). Our afternoon started off Spruce Island with 2-3 finback whales. With some great looks at the fins and word from our Scout Boat that the conditions offshore were improving (and that they were seeing more blows) we made our way towards the same area where we were yesterday. On our way John, our captain and owner, spotted a blow that he thought was a humpback. With a closer look we realized it was our little humpback from yesterday, Six’s 2007 calf! We spent about 45 minutes with the young humpback and got some great looks at the underside of the fluke. This young whale will need a name soon so if anyone has any suggestions send them along! The rules for naming a humpback whale are:
– the name must be short
– it should be descriptive about the whale’s fluke pattern, body scars or other identifiable feature
– it cannot be gender specific
– it cannot be a person’s name
– it cannot duplicate another name on the list
So have a look on the underside of the fluke, look for a black pattern and send me any names you think of and tell me why you chose that name!
Hi Danielle,
I think one of the black pattern looks like a feather!;-)
So, my choise would be “feather”
;-)) see you soon
Thank you for your amazing Blog
Thanks Monika but Feather is already taken.
Hi Danielle,
I’m thinking Smudge because the marks on the fluke look like a charcoal smudge.
Thanks for the suggestion Louise but Smudge us already used! Keep thinking
It reminds me of the tallship Cory’s bow when looking down from the crowsnest. I know she’s changed her name, but in memory of Marcus, I’d like to see her named ‘Cory’.
PS. Is Mat still working for QL?
Mat was with QL last summer and this winter he is working on the Deer Island ferry so we will see what happens in the summer, whatever works best for him and his family!