Hello all, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link bringing you a quick update from the past few days. We have been having some amazing finback whale sightings on each and every departure. We have had to cancel a few trips due to weather but those we have got out on have been great. We haven’t seen Mustache since our 10:00 am departure on September 5th (we did have a chin breach and a full breach on that trip though!). We also haven’t had the greatest weather in which we can go searching some of our offshore areas either. The fins have been great, hanging out and feeding between Bliss and Blacks on such a consistent basis, today we had 6 individuals with many close encounters.

The northern gannet sightings have been absolutely amazing. I am trying to get some video to share with you of their feeding behaviour. I did get some but it wasn’t the greatest so I will keep trying.

I also want to mention that we have another special trip planned out to see the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale for Sunday, September 28th at 7:30 am. Make your reservations early! The cost is $75.00 for adults + a donation for the food bank. Please call the office for more information (1-877-688-2600). I do want to mention that this departure is extremely weather dependant, due to the distance we have to travel to see rights (30-40 nm) we need ideal weather and anything less may cause us to cancel.

Thanks for checking in today. Cheers!

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊