Hello everyone, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link back from a rather breezy day on the water. The morning started very foggy but with a boat load of hearty passengers on a charter willing to give it a go we headed out. The fog lifted very nicely and we found a minke whale towards the end of the trip.
Here you can appreciate the morning fog. This fisherman is attaching the netting to the weir. A herring weir is a Native American fishing technique that is basically a trap so that when the herring swim in they are unable to find their way back out.
We made a stop at Whitehorse Island and were surprised to see a razorbilled auk sitting close to the water. Razorbills belong to the same group as puffins and, as all auks, are amazing divers actually using their wings to fly under the water. Razorbills are not commonly seen inshore. Below you can see a parent greater black-back gull not happy about our presence, that’s his or her chick on the left.
Our afternoon trip was just as successful. We watched a very cooperative minke whale off East Quoddy Head Light, and it was definitely a different minke whale from the morning trip (we could see a difference in the dorsal fin). A few passengers got an extra treat because as we were about 3/4 of a mile away the minke whale decided to breach 4 times out of the water, not a very common sight especially with minke whales.
Thanks so much for checking in today, the wind is forecasted to diminish over night so we will hope for the best tomorrow.