Hello everyone, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine with a few days of updates. The past 2 days have been rather foggy at a time of the summer we don’t usually get a lot of fog but we have still been having some great finback whale sightings. Both yesterday and today we had finback within the inshore area where the fog has been lifting (at least long enough for us to see whales). On 2 of the trips the finback whales were quite active, barrel rolling and showing us their pectoral flippers and flukes….very special sightings. Our Scout Boat was out today to search the offshore area but the fog moved back in and the visibility was too poor to look for humpback whales. The bird sightings continue to be fantastic with large numbers of northern gannets around. Today we also had shearwaters (sooty and greater), Bonaparte’s gulls and yesterday I saw 2 common murres, a “cousin” to the Atlantic puffin.

Thanks for checking in today, keep watching for more posts from Quoddy Link.

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊