Hello everyone, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine back from an absolutely gorgeous day on the water. On our morning and evening departures the tide was on the ebb and we had finback whales just outside the islands, only about 8-10 nm from St. Andrews. The photo directly below is of a finback whale and was taken on our 10:00 am trip. On each trip we also got to spend some time with minke whales (right), some more co-operative than others. On our 2:00 pm trip the tide was on the flood and our humpbacks are remaining consistent on the incoming tide. We travelled directly offshore towards the Wolves where we found a familiar finback whale as well as Cork, a 5-year old female humpback whale. It was beautiful out there, with lots of harbour porpoise on our way out and back as well as tons of seabirds including northern gannets and shearwaters.

Thanks for checking our blog today. I’m on the water again tomorrow so I will make sure to keep you posted on all things Quoddy.

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊