Hello everyone, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine. What a great day we had. Our morning trip was calm and warm and took us off to the Wolves Bank in search of humpbacks. We were on the flood tide in the morning and our humpback whales have been very consistent on the incoming tide. On our way out we spent some time with a minke whale and passed a large finback whale but we knew if we were going to have time to spend with the humpbacks we had to continue offshore. When we arrived we found both Cork (below) and Hobo (above left). We spent some time with both humpbacks before making our way back to St. Andrews. 

The wind picked up in the afternoon and we were restricted to the inner Islands on both our afternoon and evening departures. We had some great minke whale sightings on both trips as well as spending time with seals and harbour porpoise. Our guests on our evening departure got to see a herring weir being seined. A herring weir is a fish trap for wild herring, and “to seine” a weir what it is called when the fisherman harvest their catch. Thanks so much for checking in, and I’ll keep you all posted on our sightings tomorrow.