Hello There, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine. We had a great day today, even with 15 knots of southwest wind. Our morning departure took us off Blacks Harbour with 2 finback whales. The photos below are from our 10:00 am trip. We did take a trip to the east and have a look around the Wolves and our Scout Boat was looking to the west for humpback whales but we were not able to locate any today.

The wind increased and the tide began to ebb on our 2:00 pm trip so the weather wasn’t suitable to run offshore but we did have 3-4 finback whales around Nancy’s Head, Campobello Island. We also had a minke whale in Head Harbour Passage.
Our evening departure was similar, even though the tide had turned the seas were still a little choppy. We got to spend some time with 2 finback whales off East Quoddy Head Light and a VERY co-operative minke whale at the entrance to Head Harbour Passage. Thanks for checking in with us. I’m on the water all day again tomorrow and I will make sure to keep you posted.

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊