Hello there, it’s Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine. What a beautiful autumn day! With a very light SE wind we headed out on our 2:00 pm departure immediately in search of humpback whales. On our way out to the Wolves Banks we got a call from a fellow whale watcher out of St. Andrews, Fundy Tide Runners They had a humpback whale in the area where we were headed. When we arrived we found Parachute, a favorite humpback with Quoddy Link. We spent a while with Parachute and traveled with “him” as he started to make his way to the ebb tide feeding grounds in the Grand Manan Channel. On our way there we found Cork, a 4 year-old female humpback whale we have come to know well. After about 10 minutes they came together and traveled side-by-side (picture below). With some trumpeting (loud breathing) and tail slaps from Parachute they separated again and went on their own way. We hung around for another series and Cork lob tailed to the delight of our passengers. What a great autumn day!

Thanks for checking in and I’ll keep you posted as the end of the season draws near (our last scheduled whale watch is October 11th) !

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊