Tuesday September 15, 2020

Tuesday September 15, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Tuesday September 15, 2020 2pm: This afternoon we had flat calm waters and little wind. We started with seals on Black Ledge then found a “sleepy” Chevron (humpback whale) with a couple minkes swimming off in the distance. We followed...

Monday September 14, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Monday September 14, 2020   2pm: This afternoon’s trip started out with looks of harbour and gray seals around Black Ledge. From there, we headed to Nancy Head and picked up a minke and a humpback whale. We got looks at the minke whale and some great...
Sunday September 13, 2020

Sunday September 13, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Sunday September 13, 2020   10am: This morning we took Western Passage over to Head Harbour. We quickly picked up a minke whale and harbour porpoise. Then we spent some time with a very “sleepy” humpback. The humpback fluked up once and we...
Saturday September 12, 2020

Saturday September 12, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Saturday September 12, 2020 10am: This morning we quickly picked up Chevron, a humpback whale. Chevron seemed very relaxed and only fluked up a couple of times. We also spent time with 2 minke whales, harbour porpoise, and seals. There were large...
Friday September 11, 2020

Friday September 11, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Friday September 11, 2020 2pm: Our afternoon trip started out towards the Wolves Bank where we picked up a fin whale! After getting some good looks and the second largest species of whale in the world we headed towards Head Harbour Passage. In the...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊