Hello everyone, yesterday was a great day to be on the Bay!  We started our morning with new large finback in our area.  I immediately noticed the large scar on the whales back and thought it could be the individual we saw last season and when I compared my photos to those from 2011 it looks to be a match.  This large whale has healed wonderfully and seems to be doing just great!

Note the scar

I had the rest of the day off but Jolinne let me know they had 4-5 finbacks spread out feeding between Bliss Island and Blacks Harbour and they has one large finback on their evening trip!  I am back on the water tomorrow but I will leave you with some seal photos 🙂

One of many young harbour seal pups on Whitehorse Island.  Seems to be the place for these little ones to hang out these days


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊