Good evening everyone!!  We had quite an exciting morning departure…we had a breaching minke whale with 7 full breaches.  A breaching minke a rare sight in the whale watching world but in our little corner of the Bay of Fundy it is typically reported many times a season.

breaching minke

breaching minke

breaching minke

breaching minke

breaching minke

breaching minke

We did spend time on our 2 other departures with minkes as well, both trips we were in Head Harbour Passage.



We had a special seal sighting today, and for those of you who may follow this blog you know I have a huge affection for seals.  This pair was fascinating to watch.  The seal on the left is an adult female grey seal and the on the right is a harbour seal pup!  The pup was so curious with the grey, bringing her nose right up to the nose of the grey seal (nose to nose contact is extremely important during mother and pup bonding).  The female grey was so very tolerant of the pup, we only heard a few growls out of her.  They are so beautiful.

female grey seal on the left and harbour seal pup on the right

female grey seal on the left and harbour seal pup on the right

female grey seal on the left and harbour seal pup on the right

female grey seal on the left and harbour seal pup on the right

We are also seeing an increase in the number of mother and calf harbour porpoise pairs we are seeing.  The mother of this pair has a unique dorsal fin and I will try to see if we can see her again.

harbour porpoise mom and calf pair

harbour porpoise mom and calf pair

mom and calf harbour porpoise

mom and calf harbour porpoise

Thanks so much for checking in today!



Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊