Hey there, I have some news about a little humpback that we are familiar with at Quoddy Link. Pike (Six’s 2007 calf) who we saw during the 2008 season has been sighted off Stellwagan Bank! We will have to see if this young whale continues north to visit the Bay of Fundy feeding grounds.
The 2009 Gulf of Maine Humpback Whale Naming Event is now over and I have one more whale to add to list that I got to name. This is the Amulet’s 2006 calf now named Origami (On the leading edge of the LF in the white area close to the tip of the fluke there is a black mark that looks like an origami swan)
Thanks for checking in today. Below is a collage of the whales that I have had the privilege to name this year. Cheers!