Good evening everyone,

Well, this morning was our scheduled North Atlantic right whale trip and the weather forecast has been all over the map for the past few days but we thought we would give it a try….head out towards the Wolves and see what the conditions were like. And… was rough….and I want to thank all of our hearty passengers for holding on and being safe out there. The weather was just too rough to go any further….so we would not be able to make it out into right whale area. Our Scout Boat was out as well and we did find 2 humpback whales. Neither was being overly easy to watch…one was doing 15 minute dives and not raising it’s tail and the other was doing some long dives and making some big moves but I managed to get a shot of the dorsal fin and the flukes. We do not recognize this whale and I have the images into the Center for Coastal Studies and hopefully they will be able to get back to me with an ID.

I do want to thank everyone who joined us this morning, all of us at Quoddy Link really hope you enjoyed yourself. John decided to adjust the ticket price of the trip and refunded all of the passengers 50% because of the weather and because we were only able to get to the Bank.

Thanks so much for checking in today, I will post any info on this new little humpback when I hear from PCCS.


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊