Hello everyone, today was a day off for me but like a lot of people that work on whale watching boats…..what do we do on our days off, well, we go whale watching of course! And what a great day we had on the Bay today. John took us directly offshore (we stopped with seals at Splitting Knife first) and headed out towards the Wolves Bank. We did pass a fin whale off South Wolf but when we arrived just South of the Bank we found 6 humpbacks; Lyrids, EKG, Sonogram, Mahjong, and 2 unknowns (one didn’t raise it’s tail).

Below are all photos taken from today….I hope you enjoy

This is Lyrids, a juvenile humpback named this past spring for the white streaks on the tail that looks like a meteor shower.

This is EKG, another juvenile whale named in 2007.

This is Sonogram, a 6 year old female and the 2004 calf of Peedee

This is Mahjong, the 2007 calf of Lacey

This is an unknown whale we also saw on October 3rd

This small humpback never raised it’s tail so an ID is highly unlikely

We also saw quite a few northern gannets today, lots of birds feeding on the bank with the humpbacks as well as at least 3 minke whales

Thanks for checking in today, they are calling for some pretty serious weather over the next few days so not to sure if we will be able to get out at all but stay in touch


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊