Hello everyone, well, I have the day off today so I thought I would tell you all about our wonderful day on the Bay yesterday….

Let’s start with the morning trip….the finbacks were amazing, and they brought me to tears (and if you know me that doesn’t usually take much but this was the first time this season).  With flat calm conditions and a strong flood tide we were able to just idle and there were 8-10 huge finbacks all around, charging in different directions and then right in the middle of it….and young humpback pops up!  It took a while to get a look a the underside of the fluke (for ID purposes) but we managed with some patience and persistence (Thank You John).  It’s a new individual for us and we will have to wait to hear back from PCCS about an ID.  Here are some photos from this morning

Fundy Tide Runners and a fin whale

Young humpback, yet to be IDed

Our afterenoon started off a little slower, the fin whales were starting to spread out over about 2 miles but with some patience and keen eyes through binoculars we found a trio who were staying in about the same spot and got some amazing looks (one was very large, an estimated 60-65 feet).  We had word that the young humpback was still around but could not get a good look until the end of the trip where we were treated to tail lobbing and tail breaching for about 5 minutes!  Again, the patience paid off!

Characteristic fin whale blow 

Tail breach

Tail lobbing 

Our evening came with more finbacks, some incredible bird life (the inshore shearwaters continue to amaze and delight).  The humpback was still around but were not able to get any great looks on our 5:30 trip.

I want to stress that we have had some humpback sightings now, 4 individuals so far this season, but we can never guarantee any particular species of whale of any departure.  The Bay of Fundy is a dynamic environment and each and every trip is different and special.


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊