Here are our sightings for today
Thursday July 18, 2019
10am: This morning we started with seals at Black Ledge and then began our run offshore to search for humpbacks. We did stop briefly with a minke and fin whale not far from Whitehorse but wanted to continue off past the Wolves. When we got offshore we quickly picked up Scarp, a familiar humpback who seemed quite interested in the Quoddy Link, making a few close approaches off the stern of the boat. When Scarp was at a safe distance we moved around to check out the rest of the humpbacks in the area and I was able to ID Blanco. There were 4-6 humpbacks in the area and three minkes. Rika was out on Odyssey with a charter and she was able to also ID Willow, Bungee and Breakers and they also had a fin whale off Bliss Island.
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed right offshore and quickly picked up humpbacks towards the Wolves Bank. There were 6-8 humpbacks in the area and they were a little easier to watch on the ebb tide today. I was able to ID Bungee, Breakers, Prongs and Egreque. We also had a finback whale and at least 4-6 minke whales. There were so many seals around us while we were watching whales and there were also large groups of great shearwaters and we had a nice small group of storm petrels.
5pm: This evening they headed back offshore and spent some more time with humpbacks. Sounds like they had a great trip, 4 whales even came together at the end. It’s really interesting to see the groups join and break apart. Thanks Dani for the info!

humpback approaching the Quoddy Link

humpback, Breakers

humpback and a harbour porpoise

humpback, Prongs

Thank You to everyone who joined us today!
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊