Good evening everyone, today was another wonderful day on the water out of St. Andrews with finbacks.  This rmoning and this afternoon we went right back offshore off South Wolf where we found the fin whales yesterday morning and they were there again today.  The most activity we saw was on our morning trip, about 2 hours into the flood tide. This evening we stayed inshore (ebb tide) and we saw 2 fin whales just inside Whitehorse.

Here are some photos I took today of the fin whales off South Wolf

There are three whales there, 2 tails partially out of the water and one dorsal fin

Check out the porpoise in the back

This afternoon on our way back to St. Andrews we stopped between the Islands where we found a group of porpoise and lots of gulls feeding on herring, I managed to grab this photo of a herring gull eating herring.

Thanks for checking in today and thanks to everyone who joined us today,


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊