Hello everyone,

First, I am so sorry to not be posting here, for DAILY SIGHTINGS UPDATES please visit our Facebook Page

Our season has started consistent and strong, but the first five weeks were consistent and strong with FOG, persistent Bay of Fundy FOG.

The seals have been hauling out at Black Ledge close to Greens Point Light and it’s been great to see both harbour and grey seals on every departure.

female grey seal

molting harbour seals and a grey seal

harbour seals on Black Ledge

relaxed grey seal

Lots of harbour porpoise around, some days more than others. Head Harbour Passage is usually a great place to find groups of the small cetaceans travelling and feeding.

small triangular fin of a harbour porpoise

The seabirds have been good as well.  At the start of the season we did have some puffins in the area, much to the delight of our passengers.  We have been seeing razorbills and murres as well.  We got to visit a bald eagles nest and watch 2 young eaglets grow and fledge, so incredible to watch the young ones learn how to fly.

young eaglet drying it’s wings after a possible unintentional swim (or a VERY foggy morning)

Atlantic puffins

common murres, including a bridled morph

We have been seeing minke whales on almost every departure, including some familiar “faces” such as Slice (a local favourite).

Slice, a local favourite minke whale

minke in Head Harbour Passage as the fog was lifting

minke and murre

minke amongst the lobster gear

We have had a few fin whale sightings, but no consistency, here one day and no where to be seen for the next week.  We did have a special sighting of a mom/calf finback pair off the Wolves on one departure.

finback whale

finback whale off Campobello Island

Finback whale

Humpbacks have been around, earlier than some years, but like the fin whales with very little consistency.  Our first sighting was on July 6th, 2 young individuals right in the Old Sow between Deer Island, NB and Eastport, ME (I was only able to photograph one individual).  In total we have documented 6 humpbacks including Hashtag, Blanco and Chevron (a favourite among Quoddy Crew, past and present).

young humpback lunge feeding in behind Bliss Island

young humpback

the gorgeous fluke of a humpback

an adult humpback, well known in the Gulf of Maine

On July 30th we had an incredibly special encounter with Old Thom, the orca of the Bay of Fundy.  Old Thom is a unique killer whale, travelling with Atlantic white-sided dolphins and not having an orca family of his own.  He has been seen in the Bay since 2005 and is easily recognizable by the unique notch on his dorsal fin.  This is my third encounter with Old Thom but this evening at the end of July was super special, the lighting was incredible and the encounter was remarkable.  Definitely a trip I will never forget.

I was so happy to get this shot of the eye out of the water. When we arrive he was surfacing with so much power and he settled and slowed down after some time.

that gorgeous light of the Golden Hour

Old Thom and some Atlantic white-sided dolphins

you can see the distinct notch on the dorsal fin

what a sight, Old Thom with Atlantic white-sided dolphins

the dolphins were quite active

Thank you for checking in and don’t forget to check our Facebook Page for daily updates on our sightings

Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy