Good evening everyone,
We have had some wonderful trips with both finbacks and minke whales in Head Harbour Passage this past week. Lots of porpoise in the passage and lots of harbour and grey seals around as well. The bird life has also been great with razorbills, Northern gannets, Bonaparte’s gulls, murres, terns and some of our first shearwater sightings of the season.
Here are some pics from the past week

minke in Head Harbour Passage – image by RSauk

harbour and grey seals – image by CNeufeld

fin whale and harbour porpoise – image by CNeufeld

great cormorant – image by RSauk

Bonaparte’s gull – image by RSauk
Thanks for checking in with us, for information and to make a reservation please give our office a call at 1-506-529-2600
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
Bay of Fundy
St. Andrews
New Brunswick