Sunday October 10, 2021
1pm: This afternoon we headed out into cool temperatures and grey skies but it felt like Thanksgiving and fall was in the air. We stopped first with grey seals at Whitehorse Island then made our way into the Fundy Isles and picked up a minke off Tinkers. The minke was moving so slowly, quite comfortable in the area. We got some great looks (and not so great smells…STINKY MINKE) and then we went up to Head Harbour Light to do the 360 degree tour. When the tide is high we can go all around the light, over the gravel pathway you can walk on a low tide. Captain Mat spotted an eagle at Black Rock so we headed over to see the adult eagle and a few more grey seals. We picked up another minke further up Head Harbour Passage then went down to the Southern end of Deer Island to see the Old Sow, the largest tidal whirlpool in the Western Hemisphere. We did see groups of harbour porpoise throughout the trip and another group in Western Passage on our way home to St. Andrews.

minke – Image by DDion

grey seals at Black Rock – Image by DDion

bald eagle – Image by DDion

bald eagle – Image by DDion

Thank You to everyone who joined us on this holiday weekend.
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊