Good evening all, here are our sightings from the past 2 days, thank you to Claire for sharing

Monday July 12, 2021
10am: This morning we hung out with a very active minke whale. It was coming out fast and high so it was a lot of fun to watch! We started our morning with a look at the seals on Black Ledge and when we went to look at Head Harbour Light on Campobello, we found birds and porpoise actively feeding. It was so much fun to watch everything try and catch the fish, we were even lucky enough to see a couple eagles swoop in and fish as well! We finished our trip with a spin in the old sow and then headed for home.
1:30pm: This afternoon the water was so calm and flat, just like a mirror. It made for great viewings of the whales. We started in the Old Sow were we picked up a minke whale, had great looks at that whale before heading towards Campobello. We found 2 eagles and some grey seals near a ledge and as we went towards the lighthouse Captain Mat spotted another minke whale. With the water so calm we were able to watch the whale under the surface of the water just before it came up for air. Such a wonderful sight! We finished the trip with a drive by Whitehorse for birds and more seals.

water was like glass – image and video by Claire


Tuesday July 13, 2021
10am: We spent our morning watching a minke whale along the Campobello shoreline, had some really good looks as it travelled back and forth. We also saw lots of seals and porpoise.
1:30pm: This afternoon we started with some seals and then went to have look on the outside of Campobello Island. We were able to find 3 minke whales, one stuck around in the area allowing us to have some great looks as it swam around. As we headed home, we stopped to look at Head Harbour Light and we were surprised by some porpoise that swam around the boat allowing us fantastic looks at the cute little friends!
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊