Saturday October 3, 2020
10am: This morning we headed offshore to see if we could find any larger whales around the Wolves but didn’t have any luck…but you never know if you don’t make the effort to look (something John always told us). We headed back inshore and found Slice, a local favourite minke whale in Head Harbour Passage and got some great looks before we made our way back to the harbour of St. Andrews.
1pm: This afternoon, we spotted a shark, a porbeagle, that was rubbing itself along a stick. It turned out it was entangled in a line, a rope was wrapped around the middle of the body (images have been forwarded to the Campobello Whale Rescue Team and MARS). We then headed towards Head Harbour Light where we saw harbour porpoises, and a minke. After spending some time with the minke, we watched some gray seals at Black Rock and then headed home to St. Andrews.

Porbeagle shark with a line wrapped around the body just behind the gills – image by Dani

Porbeagle shark with a line wrapped around the body just behind the gills – image by Tracey

A close look at the head of the porbeagle, the dots you can see are called the Ampullae of Lorenzini, electrorecptors that help the shark detect electric fields in the water – image by Tracey
Thank You to Dani for the updates today!
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick