I am sorry for the lack of posts over the past week. On Saturday September 19 we suddenly lost our owner and captain, John Eldridge. The entire Quoddy Link family extends their thanks to everyone for their condolences and kind words of support. To read more about the amazing man John was and to learn more about his life check out our facebook page or click HERE
Today was our first day back on the water after the celebration of life….
Friday September 25, 2020
10am: I was just able to be FaceTimed onto the boat to spend some personal “face-to-face” time with Cork and Chevron, 2 humpbacks we know SO well at Quoddy Link. They came over and checked out the Quoddy, rolled over bringing their pectorals out of the water and went back and forth under the boat….it was a magical experience to be able to be there for such a special trip. THANK YOU Rika for bringing me along and thank you to all of our passengers for joining us on this emotional morning back on the water 

2pm: This afternoon we had a stop with seals at Black Ledge and watched some harbour porpoise on the way out. We spent some more time with Chevron and Cork, two humpbacks. They had everyone on the boat very happy as they fluked up regularly and rolled and showed their pectoral flippers.
Thank You to Rika for the afternoon update and another HUGE thank you to Rika for getting on the Quoddy Link virtually this morning, it was so very special for me,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Funny
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Funny