Sunday September 6, 2020
10am: This morning we stopped with harbour and grey seals on the way offshore. We found a finback whale and Chevron, a humpback whale about 18 miles from St. Andrews. We got great looks at each, along with some harbour porpoise and grey seals swimming around the whales.
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed straight back out to see if we could find Chevron, a humpback whale and the fin whale we saw this morning. We did and we had great looks at both, along with harbour porpoise and both harbour and grey seals. There were a few shearwaters and a couple Northern gannets around as well.
5pm: This evening. Wow. We headed straight out, passing a pair of finbacks, to check if Chevron was still out and we’re glad we did! We watched Chevron play in some rockweed with her nose and her pectoral flippers for a bit before she settled in for some more relaxed behaviour. We picked up a minke whale on the way back inshore. Then the finbacks showed up, along with Slice, a local favourite minke whale! It’s our first time this year we got all three species in one trip, a HAT TRICK! We saw some harbour porpoise and stopped with seals on the way back to St Andrews.

A humpback, Chevron – image by Rika

Chevron, a familiar humpback in our part of Fundy – image by Rika

fin whale and the Grand Manan ferry – image by Rika

watching a humpback from the upper deck of the Quoddy Link – image by Rika

love how you can see the long, white pectoral flippers of the humpback through the surface of the water – image by Rika

harbour porpoise – image by Rika

Thank You to Rika for pulling this out of the ocean…please dispose of your trash properly – image by Rika

a fin whale in the evening light off Whitehorse Island – image by Rika

returning to St. Andrews in the setting sun – image by Rika

so beautiful – image by Rika
Thank You to Rika for the updates, check back later today for more sightings!
Happy Long Weekend,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick