Wednesday August 26, 2020

10am: This morning we had 2 minke whales and we got great looks at both. There were many harbour porpoise and harbour and grey seals to watch as well!

1:30pm: This afternoon we picked up two finback whales and 3 minke whales. We got amazing looks at the finbacks and watched the minkes being minkes (sometimes they can be rather elusive). We saw harbour porpoise and seals too!

5pm: This evening we quickly picked up a couple of finback whales that were swimming separately. We got great looks at one that stuck around. Then one of our passengers noticed another blow further up. It turned out to be a small (compared to adult sized) humpback. The humpback was stuck in a fishing weir. The whale looked healthy and there was no twine on the weir. We called MARS (Marine Animal Response Society) and also made a direct call to the Campobello Whale Rescue Team. Hopefully the young whale will find their own way out but rescue will head out to check on them tomorrow. We also had porpoise and stopped with seals on the way back to St Andrews!

THANK YOU to Rika for the updates! I will share any news I have on the humpback (and if I can get an ID from the dorsal fin). And thank you to our passengers for joining us today on the breezy Bay of Fundy,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊