Thursday August 20, 2020
10am: This morning we stopped with seals then headed off shore and found great and sooty shearwaters, Northern gannets, and a single finback! We got lots of great looks before heading back in to see the Head Harbour Lighthouse where we picked up a minke whale then made our way back to St. Andrews.
1:30pm: This afternoon we had a very pleasant surprise, we spent most of our trip with a humpback, who turned out to be Chevron! Chevron was in the Islands, close to Campobello, not a common place we find humpback whales so a very pleasant surprise!! We also saw eagles and seals before it was time to head back to St. Andrews.
5pm: This evening we had many, many feeding seabirds and porpoise groups. We had a couple minke whales come up through the groups several times and then a humpback showed up! This humpback was different than the one we had this afternoon based on the dorsal fin (they are all unique). We got great looks at the humpback and another couple minkes. Although the humpback never raised her tail by looking at dorsal fin images it certainly appears to be my girl, Cork! It’s not unlike her to not fluke, humpbacks have their own personalities and spending so much time with them we certainly get to know them as individuals. We also made some time to stop with harbour and grey seals on the way back to St Andrews.

Fin whale – image by Rika

humpback, Chevron, in Head Harbour Passage – image by Rika

low and bushy blow of a humpback – image by Rika

humpback, Chevron – image by Rika

bald eagle – image by Rika

great shearwater – image by Rika

humpback – image by Tracey

feeding activity off the mouth of Head Harbour Passage at the northern end of Campobello Island, NB – image by Tracey
Thank You to Rika for the updates and to our passengers who joined us on the catamaran,
Check back often for more reports,
Danielle 🐳🐳
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy