Tuesday August 18, 2020
10am: This morning we headed out and stopped with seals on Black Ledge. We had a pod of harbour porpoise and a bald eagle as well! It took us a bit of searching but eventually we caught up with 4 minke whales and got some great looks before it was time to head back to St. Andrews.
1:30pm: Our afternoon trip started in a drizzle, but that didn’t impair our sightings! We picked up a lunge feeding minke off of White Island and were treated to 3 huge lunges. Another minke joined our first whale, and we spent some time watching them surface. Also on White Island were 3 chatty bald eagles who were fishing for their lunch. In Head Harbour Passage, we found 2 more minkes and groups of porpoises surfacing. Before heading home, we spent time with harbour and gray seals on Black Ledge.
5pm: This evening we started with seals and then had a big feeding frenzy with porpoise and all kinds of birds, including shearwaters! We then had to do quite a bit of searching to find a minke but our patience paid off and we found a minke whale. It was cruising slowly between the islands and we got a couple close looks.

seals – image by Rika

bald eagle – image by Rika

bald eagle – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

Bonaparte’s gulls

minke (and a porpoise) – image by Rika

Thank You to Rika, Dani and Claire for the updates and check back tomorrow for more sightings,
Danielle 🐳🐳
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊