Monday August 17, 2020
10am: This morning we started out with seals on Black Ledge at high tide. Then we headed off to check out the area the finbacks were in yesterday morning. There weren’t any signs of them so we moved over and found 4 minkes actively feeding, including Slice, a favourite minke among local whale watchers! There were many razorbills, porpoise, gulls, and a couple eagles as well!
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed out to find several minke whales. The whales were demonstrating how challenging it can sometimes be to whale watch. They were coming up once or twice only, staying down for long periods, and moving around quite a bit. But we were patient and it paid off! We got to see 4 different minke whales, a large number of feeding harbour porpoise, many feeding gulls and terns, and some harbour and grey seals! We even had several long distance views of eagles before it was time to head back to St. Andrews.
5pm: This evening we started with some seals and then headed to Head Harbour Light where there was a lot of porpoise and birds feeding. It was a little bumpy out there to start but calmed down as the tide switched. We saw two minke whales but both were sleepy and moving slowly around. We did get some good looks as they surprised us and snuck up on the boat. We were just about to head home when we heard from another boat about a pod of Atlantic white sided dolphins!!!! Had great looks at them and what a great way to end the night!! 🐬🐬

seals – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

harbour porpoise – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

Atlantic white-sided dolphins – image by Tracey

Atlantic white-sided dolphins – image by Tracey

Atlantic white-sided dolphins – image by Tracey

Thank You to Rika and Claire for the updates! Check back tomorrow for more reports,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊