Wednesday August 12, 2020

10am: We went out this morning in the fog and were able to pick up two actively feeding minkes. We had to listen for them to find them at first (we listen for their exhale/blow) but then we had really great looks as they moved around the boat. We headed to the East Quoddy Head Light where there was a bit of a break in the fog and found porpoise feeding with tons of gulls and shearwaters feeding and we even caught some looks at large tuna jumping clear of the water. We were able to find an eagle and have a look at seals before heading back home to St. Andrews.

1:30pm: This afternoon we headed out into a mixture of fog with clear areas. We spent time with 3 different minke whales and for great looks at them. We saw bald eagles, seals, and many arctic terns, gulls, and guillemots!

5pm: This evening we came out, stopping with seals at Black Ledge. We had several bald eagles, adults and a juvenile. We saw 3 minke whales and got really excellent looks. There were heaps of Arctic terns and porpoise feeding as well. A beautiful evening!

minke – image by Rika

eagle on a marker – image by Rika

the fog can create some beautiful scenery – image by Rika

seals at low tide – image by Rika

great shearwater – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

harbour porpoise – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

razorbill, with the mouth open you can see the yellow colouration on the inside – image by Rika

Thank You to Claire for the morning update, Rika for the afternoon and evening reports and for all of our passengers who joined us on the Quoddy Link,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊