Tuesday August 11, 2020

10am: We started a very, very foggy morning with a look at a bald eagle then we stopped with seals. We could make them out in the fog and got some great looks. We also found lots of harbour porpoise and 2 minke whales. One whale wandered out into the fog and we lost track of it but the other was staying in one relatively small area and gave us excellent looks.

1:30pm: This afternoon we headed out into the fog again. We stopped with seals at Black Ledge, then meandered our way into Head Harbour where we picked up many sea birds, porpoise, and 2 minke whales. The fog cleared really well in the passage and we got really great looks! We also had a great look at 2 bald eagles before heading back to port.

5pm: This evening we started out with a minke making single surface appearances before diving under. The whale was moving around quite a bit and so we headed off to look at harbour porpoise and birds actively feeding together. Another minke whale showed up and gave us excellent views! We saw many, many sea birds, a lionsmane jellyfish, a couple adult bald eagles, a juvenile eagle, and we stopped with seals on the way back to St Andrews.

adult bald eagle not looking too happy about being wet – image by Rika

Bonaparte’s gulls and a few, much larger herring gulls, look at the size difference – image by Rika

minke whale – image by Rika

Head Harbour Light at the northern end of Campobello Island, NB – image by Rika

large lions mane jellyfish – image by Rika

harbour porpoise – image by Rika

Thanks to Rika for the updates and to all of our passengers who joined us on the catamaran,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊