Sunday August 2, 2020
10am: A beautiful sunny morning to be out on the water. We started with seals and then picked up 3 different minkes during our travels through the islands. We also some some harbour porpoise before making our way back to St. Andrews.
1:30pm: This afternoon we had looks at bald eagles, we had 4 minke whales including Slice and Breadknife, and we stopped with seals on the way back to St Andrews!
5pm: This evening we stopped with seals and headed out. We found a minke whale doing long dives so we moved on after a few looks. We found lots of harbour porpoise, as couple bald eagles, and another minke whale! We finished the trip off with some long distance looks at a finback whale!



full moon over St. Andrews

Thank You to Claire and Rika for the updates and THANK YOU to our passengers for joining us on the catamaran,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊