Wednesday July 29, 2020
10am: To quote Captain Mat, this morning was “FINtastic”! We quickly found 3 finback whales feeding together. We had porpoise all over, an adult bald eagle, and seals and made a stop with the seabirds on Whitehorse Island. We even had a proposal happen on the boat this morning and she said yes!
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed straight out. We stopped with seals and an adult bald eagle on Black Ledge then headed over to Whitehorse Island. Then we caught up with 1 finback whale. As we watched, another finback joined in and the first one rolled! We got to see finback belly, flipper, and tail!! Then the third one came over and they swam and fed together while we watched. We also got to spend some time with a minke whale before heading back to St. Andrews.
5pm: This evening’s trip took us off of White’s Island, where we met up with three fin whales. We were rewarded with great looks, they were actively moving around together and we even got to hear some trumpeting! We finished off our warm evening cruise with views of Head Harbour Lighthouse, and swung by Splitting Knife to see the gray and harbour seals before heading home.

pair of finbacks

mom and calf harbour porpoise pair
THANK YOU to Rika, Dani and Claire for keeping is all updated and thank you to Rika for the updates. I adore my crew 🐳🐳🥰🥰🐳🐳
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick