Thursday July 30, 2020
10am: This morning we went straight out into the fog. We found a minke whale that was doing some deeper longer dives so we continued on. Captain Mat turned the engines off and we invited our passengers to listen with us for whales. We found finback whales! Two together and one further off. We also swung by Whitehorse Island and saw Slice the minke whale. We stopped with seals on Black Ledge on the way back to St Andrews.
1:30pm: This afternoon was sunny with lots of visibility. We had finback whales again! They were moving around quite a bit but we eventually found an easy to watch one. We spent time with that one then headed back over to look at a different finback who lunge fed once through a ball of herring. What a treat!! There were also gulls and porpoise feeding on herring. We got quick looks at a minke whale. We also saw a bald eagle, the Head Harbour Lighthouse and we stopped with seals on the way back to St Andrews.
5pm: This evening we stopped with seals at Black Ledge. We picked up a finback whale and quickly found a second one. We watched them separately and then they came together and quickly broke back apart. There were many porpoise and gulls around too. We stopped with the Head Harbour Lighthouse and picked up an easy to watch minke right there as well. Wow what a day!

harbour seal pup rather curious about the Quoddy Link

This boat is hauling back rockweed (Ascophyllum and Focus) back to shore to be dried and processed. It is turned into feed for crops and livestock as well as a stabilizer and thickener in so many products from paints to cosmetics to pudding!

watching seals from the Quoddy Link

fin whale

finback whale
Thanks again to Rika for the updates and all the images! And Thanks to our passengers for choosing the catamaran,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick