Tuesday July 28, 2020
10am: This morning we started with 4 bald eagles before we’d even left Passamaquoddy Bay! We stopped with seals on Black Ledge, went by Whitehorse to look at the black backed gulls, herring gulls, guillemots, cormorants, and kittiwakes. Captain Mat spotted 3 fin whales feeding together; a first for us this year! We also had a huge lions mane jellyfish and lots of porpoise before heading back to St. Andrews.
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed straight out to find the fin whales separated. They were actively feeding and one came quite close (Captain Mat had turned the engines off). We looked at the gulls on Whitehorse Island, saw Head Harbour Lighthouse on the Northern end of Campobello, and stopped with seals on Black Ledge. There were also a couple of minke whales off at a distance and harbour porpoise as well.
5pm: This evening was outstanding. We took a deep breath and bypassed a minke whale and took a gamble that the fin whales were still around and they were! We got great looks at three fin whales actively feeding together. We also had a rainbow over the Wolves, a mola mola (ocean sunfish), and saw harbour porpoise and seals. What a way to end a FINtastic day!

finback whale

seals at Black Ledge

rainbow over Fundy

ocean sunfish (Mola mola)

East Quoddy Head Light off the northern end of Campobello

finback whale (Image by Tracey D.)
THANK YOU to Rika for updates and images and THANK YOU to all of our passengers who joined us today on the catamaran.
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick