Thursday July 2, 2020

10:30am: This morning the fog was very thick so the decision was made to delay until 10:30am with the hopes that with the change of tide, the fog would lift. And it did, eventually! Claire spotted a minke whale in Head Harbour Passage and we had great looks at it! We then wandered over for our first look at White Horse Island. There were kittiwake nests but almost no birds sitting on them. There were lots of gulls and some grey seals to look at. We stopped with seals on Black Ledge and on our way through Little Letete Captain Mat spotted bald eagles on McMaster and Pendleton Islands. We got great looks at those.

1:30pm: The fog lifted nicely during the morning and it was clear among the islands this afternoon. We watched 3 minke whales, checked out harbour and grey seals on the ledges of Casco Island, and went looking for (and found!) an eagle’s nest. We saw some razorbills, herring gulls and great black backed gulls. And spotted white cross and moon jellyfish in the water. A great day!

minke whale

seals off Casco Bay Island

Head Harbour Light off the northern end of Campobello Island, NB

THANK YOU to Rika for the updates and all of the images today!

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊