Good evening everyone, here are our sightings for today

Saturday September 14, 2019

10am: This morning we headed out with some strong SW winds and sun and we first stopped with seals at Black Ledge before heading towards Head Harbour Passage. With word from our friends on the Jolly Hurricane that they had a humpback off East Quoddy we made our way over. They knew the whale wasn’t Chevron, who we have had inshore the past few days, but they were not sure on who it was….well, I knew her right away…welcome back CORK! Cork is my favourite humpback (most of us have a favourite humpback, and almost always for a personal reason) and we have been watching her since 2004 when she was just 2 years old. It was so great to see her this morning!. We got some great looks before heading back to St. Andrews across a bouncy Passamaquoddy Bay (we passed the Nao Santa Maria on our way across, check out the pics, THANK YOU to Sean Corrigan for the images!).

2pm: This afternoon we headed out down Western Passage to keep the bow into the wind, although the wind had dropped out quite a bit as the tide turned. We made our way down Head Harbour Passage, stopped with seals at Casco Bay and we must have had at least 5 minke whales but none of them were easy to watch. We were off East Quoddy and I picked up a blow between Spruce and White, I was pretty sure it was a humpback and we made our way over and then Dani spotted her, it was Cork again! We got some really great looks this afternoon, even if she was doing 15 minute dives. We also had lots of harbour porpoise around and bald eagles too. We made our way back to St. Andrews across a much calmer Passamaquoddy Bay.

Cork – humpback

Cork – humpback

The Quoddy Link and the Nao Santa Maria. THANK YOU to Sean Corrigan for the image

THANK YOU to everyone who joined us on this chilly day on the Catamaran
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊