Good evening everyone, sorry again that it has taken me so long to post, it is such a busy time for us at Quoddy Link Marine, things will slow down a little bit in September (but the whales do not slow down!) when our evening departures are finished.
The whale watching continues to be great and as long as we have light enough winds and we are able to get offshore we have been seeing humpbacks. If the winds are too strong (or the fog is too thick) we are able to stay inside the protection of the Islands and we have finbacks and minkes as well as harbour porpoise, seals, bald eagles and lots of beautiful scenery.
Here are some images from the past week

Quixote – humpback

harbour porpoise

great shearwater

pair of adult bald eagles

Slice – minke whale

humpback off the bow of the Quoddy Link

humpback – Chevron

humpback – Chevron

humpbacks – Ridgeline and Chevron

humpback – Ase

humpback – Champagne

humpback – Clamp

Atlantic white-sided dolphins

humpback – Chevron
As always you can check out our Facebook page for daily updates, lots of pictures and whale information.
Thanks for stopping in,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy