Good evening everyone, we had another great day on the Bay.  Here are our sightings from August 13, 2019

Tuesday August 13, 2019

10am: This morning Captain Matt decided to take us right offshore and we started with a humpback, Breakers, not far from South Wolf. There were another 2 humpbacks in the area but there were already a few boats there so we headed towards Whale Cove, Grand Manan. On the way we picked up another humpback, Motley, who never raised her tail but she has quite a unique dorsal fin. In Whale Cove we found 4 large fin whales, and we got some great looks at these whales, the largest in Fundy. There was also another humpback in the area. On our way home we got stopped with 4 humpbacks, 3 who were travelling together. None of them raised their tails but we got some wonderful looks as they traveled together but it was time for us to get back to St. Andrews.

finback whale

fin whale off Swallowtail Light

1:30pm: This afternoon we headed right back offshore passing a large fin whale off Whitehead Island. We started with a new humpback for 2019, Solas, closer to South Wolf who was flipper slapping a little but we could see another humpback not far who was breaching, tail lobbing and flipper slapping so we slowly made our way there. I was able to ID the whale as Prongs. When the activity stopped we could see more humpbacks blowing on the Bank so we headed out and are we ever glad we did! We picked up 5 more humpbacks, including Blanco, Equation and Tornado and her 2019 calf! This was our first sighting of Tornado and her little one but I have had reports of them not too far from us off Grand Manan from our friends at Sea Watch Tours. The little one was spending more time at the surface while mom would dive deep. Even though we never saw Tornados tail she has, as all humpbacks do, a unique dorsal fin. We passed a few more humpbacks who were pec slapping on our way back to St. Andrews.

Tornado, humpback whale

2019 calf of Tornado

Tornado and her 2019 calf

2019 calf of Tornado

Solas, humpback

5pm: They headed back offshore this evening in some rougher seas but they were treated with some very active humpbacks. Tornado and her 2019 calf were both breaching, Prongs was in the area too. There was breaching, tail lobbing and spy hopping. A great evening on the Bay of Fundy! THANK YOU Rika for the updates

THANK YOU to all of our passengers who joined us today,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

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