Good evening everyone, just wanted to share our sightings from today with everyone

Friday August 9, 2019

10am: This morning we had some thick Fundy fog to deal with but a SW wind picked up early and cleared our most of the Islands. We were able to get some great looks at 5 minke whales including Slice who was busy feeding off White Island. We had many harbour porpoise in Head Harbour Passage and lots of feeding bird groups that also had some eagles feeding along with the gulls and shearwaters. We stopped with grey seals at Black Rock before making our way back to St. Andrews.

grey seals on Black Rock

Slice, a minke off White Island

harbour porpoise

1:30pm: This afternoon the fog had lifted slightly and we got word from our friends on the Jolly Hurricane that there was visibility and some whales offshore so we headed out and we found at least 4 humpbacks including Photon, Scarp and Tusk! I got to witness the “Tusk Twist” for the first time (Tusk will raise his tail out of the water and wiggle and twist it all around before going back under, a VERY UNIQUE behaviour). The fog shut right back in just as it was time to head back to St. Andrews and we made a quick stop with seals at Black Ledge before heading home.



5pm: This evening they headed back offshore towards South Wolf and spent time with 2 sleepy humpbacks who didn’t fluke up and a third humpback who was very active and breached, tail lobbed and pec slapped basically non-stop!

Thank You to everyone who joined us today! And today we said goodbye to one of our Quoddy Link family members, Tessa is on her way to Calgary to begin her teaching career, we couldn’t be more proud and we wish her nothing but the best!

Quoddy Link Marine
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of  Fundy
Whale Watching

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊