Good evening everyone, here are our sighting for today, August 3, 2019! I have not heard back yet from our 5pm departure but I am sure they are having a wonderful trip in the Islands,
Saturday August 3, 2019
10am: This morning we headed right offshore towards the Wolves Bank before the SW winds picked up. We got out there and found 5 humpbacks and 2 fin whales! We also had lots of porpoise and seals too offshore. I was able to ID the humpbacks as Equation, Breakers, Willow, Motley and a new humpback for us this season who has not been identified!


humpback Breakers

humpback Equation

humpback Willow

young humpback showing the scars from an orca attack. This little one is a survivor

young humpback

humpback with the Grand Manan Adventure in the background and that’s Grand Manan behind the ferry
1:30pm: This afternoon the winds had picked up and fog had also settled into the offshore area so we headed in the Islands and found a large finback whale and a few minke whales off the entrance to Head Harbour. There were so many harbour porpoise in the Islands and we got some great looks at both harbour and grey seals at Black Ledge on our way back to St. Andrews.
Thank You to everyone who joined us today,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy