Good evening everyone, I thought I would share our sightings for today!

Sunday July 28, 2019

10am: This morning we were greeted with Fundy Fog but we didn’t let that stop us and after we cleared Little Letete Passage we could see all the way to the Wolves and Grand Manan so we headed directly offshore to search for humpbacks. We found Chromosome and Milkyway still together on the Bank and we got lots of great looks at both whales. There was another humpback we could see blowing about a mile away and a fin whale as well in the area. We stopped with seals at Black Ledge on our way back to St. Andrews.

1:30pm: This afternoon the winds had picked up too much to try to head to the Bank so we started with seals at Black Ledge than made our way in the Islands. Rika quickly spotted a minke not far off Spruce Island and we got lots of great looks, we also had many harbour porpoise in the area including a mom/calf pair. Matt, our captain spotted a whale breaching off Whitehorse about 1.5 miles away so we went to go check it out but we never spotted the whale again (most likely a minke whale, YEP, they certainly can breach it’s just not common). Matt decided to run us down the Campobello shoreline towards Nancy and as we rounded the corner we quickly spotted a whale blowing down towards Herring Cove. The conditions were far from ideal but we slowly made our way down. The fin whale ended up back of Nancy so we made our way back and we needed up getting some fantastic looks at the large finback as it slowly travelled towards Head Harbour, never really taking a deep dive.

5pm: Word from the boat is that they are having excellent finback and minke whale sightings this evening in the Islands (From Rika – We stopped at Black Ledge with harbour and grey seals, then picked up a small minke off Barnes Island. Then a second minke off Spruce. We got great looks at a fin Including the white underside of the right lower jaw. The fin was very easy to watch and we got great looks. There were also many gulls, a couple razorbills, and many porpoise in the passage).

humpback – Chromosome


humpback – Milkyway

harbour and grey seals

minke whale

finback whale

Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊