Good evening everyone,
We certainly got a surprise this week when got word that there were a number of humpbacks offshore on an area known as the Wolves Bank (about 18 nm from St. Andrews). The key with travelling offshore is we need decent weather, so relatively light winds and good visibility (NO fog). When we have the weather to travel offshore and there are whales to be seen out there, that is where we will go and when the weather doesn’t co-operate (like today) we can stay inshore where we are seeing many minke whales and some finbacks (which are the largest whales to visit Fundy). But, if there are humpbacks offshore, that is where we will go!
In the past 2 days I have documented 12 humpbacks (and I know there are more out there that I didn’t get a chance to photograph) but the highlight has been spending time with Victim and her 2019 calf.
We still always do our best to make some time to spend with seals
And like I mentioned, if the weather is not appropriate to head offshore then we have the protected inshore area with minkes, fin whales, porpoise, eagles, seals and so much beautiful scenery
Thanks to everyone who has joined us the past three days!
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick