Good evening everyone, Danielle here from Quoddy Link Marine on a very rainy and windy day here in St. Andrews. I am so sorry for the lack up updates here, things have been very busy (and some computer issues) but as always please check out our Facebook Page for the latest sightings and pictures.
The past month has been filled with humpbacks off the Wolves, as long as the weather is appropriate to get out there we have had some incredible trips!
We have had 2 north Atlantic right whale sightings off the Wolves as well, both males. What a privilege to spend time with these critically endangered whales.
We can’t forget about the minke whales!

minke whale – check out the white bands on the pectoral flippers affectionately referred to as “minke mittens”
Thanks for check in with us and don’t forget to check out our Facebook Page for daily updates
We will be on the water until at least mid-October – come and join us on the catamaran and experience the Bay of Fundy with us!