Hello everyone, it’s Danielle back with some more updates from Fundy brought to you by Jolinne.

August 8th, 2017
This morning departure we made our way towards Bliss Island and spent time searching the area for a fin whale. We didn’t have any luck so we continued on towards Southern Wolf, until we got a radio call saying that a fin whale had shown up where right where we were. So we turned around and spent some time with a single fin whale that was doing tight circles while feeding. There was a lot of fish near the surface so the whale never really needed to dive down deep to find any food.

Both the afternoon and evening departures we made our way to Eastern Wolf and spent time with a feeding fin whale. While the whale was feeding there were also harbour porpoises, greater shearwaters and a few northern gannets in the area.

August 9th, 2017
The morning departure began with two fin whales off Blacks Harbour. We didn’t stay long as they were doing longer dive and there were a few boats already in the area. We also got a report that there were two other fin whales by Southern Wolf. So we made our way and spent time mainly watching one fin as the other always seemed to keep its distance.

The afternoon departure we stayed in the Islands, however while searching, we seen a large splash to the side of us. We don’t know what was it was, and we didn’t expect it to happen again, it did, but it was fast…. was it a basking shark? right whale? large tuna??? We can’t decide. In the end we quickly seen a minke whale and then spent time with Slice, a second minke whale, and a favourite among whale watchers in the area.

The evening departure we returned to the Islands and found a minke whale. It wasn’t easy to watch. Lots of harbour porpoises were seen and while we were making our way home we ended up finding a fin whale. That whale came right to us and ended up coming up right behind us! We all got a great view of the white patch on the lower right jaw .

August 10th, 2017
On all three departures they were able to eventually spend time with a fin whale. It sounded like it wasn’t always easy to watch; sometimes we need to remind our selves that they’re not here for our entertainment but they are here to feed and we are lucky to be able to spend time with them while they are here. While searching they were able to spend time with harbour porpoises and seals while in the Islands and there been lots of bald eagles around.

Thank You to everyone who joined us over the past few days and thank you for checking in with us!  Don’t forget LIKE our Facebook page for the most up to date Fundy whale information all year long!



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