Good morning everyone, it’s Danielle again bringing you an update from the Quoddy Link thanks to Jolinne!
August 1st, 2017
The morning departure we made our way straight to the Wolves Bank and spent time with two feeding fin whales. They never surfaced too far from the catamaran or dove for very long. At times they would surface together and other times they were separated. There were also harbour and grey seals and harbour porpoises all within the area.
On the afternoon departure they once again made their way out to the Wolves Bank and watched 2-3 fin whales.
The evening trip they once again made their way out to the Wolves Bank, sounds like there were still a few fin whales out there. They also had a humpback in the area. This may be a 2nd individual and not the same one from the weekend. The whale did fluke up, so once we get an ID we’ll let you guys know.
Thanks again to everyone that joined us today on these departures!

Fin whale, you can see the fluke prints from the whale (flat patches) that show the direction of travel. Fin whales often turn in tight circles at the surface.
Thank You for checking in! And don’t forget to check out our Facebook page for up to date sighting information and lots of great whale news