Hello everyone, Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine here and I have a birding report to share from Todd!

“Things got interesting today. Seabirds suddenly became numerous in the waters between Bliss Island and Head Harbour Light. Birds seen included 500 or more Razorbills (the largest concentration I have seen), several Atlantic Puffin, several Common Murre, several Northern Gannet, one or more Greater Shearwater, one adult Laughing Gull, one Red-throated Loon in full breeding plumage, one Wilson’s Storm Petrel, the first Razorbill chicks of the season, a few dozen Bonaparte’s Gulls, 135 Black-legged Kittiwake (an average day at the colony), 1000+ Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls (a conservative estimate), numerous Black Guillemot (more numerous than usual), and more. These were all casual observations made while whale watching. Had I actually been birding, the list of species and their numbers would certainly have been higher.
A dozen or more phalaropes were reported by one of my co-workers.
Laughing Gull seem to be easier to locate this year. During the last week, I have seen immature and adult birds on several occasions. All of these sightings have been in Head Harbour Passage (from Indian Island up to the East Quoddy Light).
Cross Jellies are starting show up again along with the more common Moon Jellies and some Lion’s Manes. Three or more Fins Whales are also present, as are a few Minke Whales.
it seems that Krill have attracted many of the birds. However, some of the more interesting species were seen well before the Krill arrived. Wind direction and fog can be determining factors when trying to find some of these birds. The storm petrel that was observed was seen very near Eastport, ME which is an unusual location for this species. The individual likely got a bit lost in fog. The Laughing Gulls might have drifted in on SW winds or got lost in fog.”


Atlantic puffins

feeding herring gull and razorbills in the water

Nesting black-legged kittiwakes with chick

Bald eagle on Whitehorse Island

Black guillemot

A big thank you to Todd for the report and Thank You to Jolinne for the images!

Cheers and thanks for checking in,


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