Hello everyone, Todd has written up an early July bird report that I wanted to share, also some pictures from Jolinne
“The Western Hemisphere’s southernmost colony of Black-legged Kittiwakes on Whitehorse Island seems to be doing well. The number of birds on the island is varying from 100 to 150 depending on how many are at sea. Last year was a good year for this colony and we are hoping to once again see good numbers of young birds fledge.
Also on or around the island are several dozen Black Guillemot, a half dozen Razorbill, an occasional Common Murre, a few non-breeding Bonaparte’s Gulls along with the more common Herring and Great Black-backed Gull, Double-crested Cormorant and Common Eider. A single Atlantic Puffin has been observed and more will almost certainly arrive as the summer progresses.
Laughing Gull have been observed near Eastport, ME as well as in Head Harbour Passage. Other uncommon or rare gulls are likely out there or will soon enter the bay.
Bald Eagle are common sightings with several pair nesting on the islands. Non-breeders are also being seen.
Common and Arctic Terns will soon begin to arrive along with Bonaparte’s Gulls, both phalaropes, tubenoses and more. Late summer and fall bring the greatest diversity of avian life to the bay.”
Thanks again to Todd and Jolinne for the updates and images